Portal of Life

The portal of life, also known as a vesica piscis, resides in the sacral chakra where the circular “one” creates new life. It represents the birth portal, where the sacred feminine and sacred masculine come together. A new life emerges from the watery world of the womb into the solar world of air. The body and soul come to life with its first breath. 

For students of Pythagoras (Greek philosopher c. 570-490BCE) a vesica piscis meant “measure of a fish”. This was seen as the intersection of the watery world of earth with the divine world of sky. They saw math as a path to spiritual liberation, where life was understood through mathematical principles. 

“One” is the unifying creator of many and sum of all. 

This creation dance between unity and duality, oneness and separation, wholeness and division has been interpreted as frightening or chaotic. In fact, it is essential for life to continue.

The almond shape of a vesica piscis is known as a mandorla in Italian. It’s also symbolic of the human eye, which is seen as a mirror into the soul. 

In Judaism, the menorah (seven-branched oil lamp) is based on an almond tree that represents the Tree of Life as well as the seven days of creation.

To Christians, the vesica piscis represented the womb of the Virgin Mary, who birthed Jesus when heaven and earth came together through her. Jesus is often referred to as a “fisher of men” (part man, part god). A stylized version of a vesica piscis, when turned on its side, is called an Ichthys or “Jesus Fish”. 

For Muslims the vesica piscis represents the womb of the universe, that holds the ovum of the universe (sacred black stone), placed in the East corner of the Kaaba in Mecca. 

In sacred geometry, the portal of ;ife symbolizes the birth of humanity and the creation essence within us all. The process of creation can be both unpredictable and chaotic as well as predictable and sweet. Regardless of the process, we are continually reminded that we are “one”.

Message: Let go of limiting beliefs and be open to new solutions and synchronicities. Enjoy the push and pull of the creative process by remembering that there are no mistakes, only insights. Look for a potential partnership or community that supports your creative vision.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” – Friedrich Nietzsche –

If you liked what you read and want more... you may be interested in having the actual guidebook and card deck. The 134 page full-color book is sold separately from the cards. My goal is to find a publisher who can offer this as a set. In the meantime, you can purchase either the book or cards via these links. Thank you for your support. Laural

Mandala Chakra book available at: Amazon

Mandala Chakra card deck available at: Printers Studio

For more information visit: lauralwauters.com

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