Soul Light

Soul Light

Soul Light connects us to our cosmic source. Trees have served as connectors of our collective soul as they pointed toward the center of the night sky to help us find our way. The Axis Mundi (World Tree) and Anima Mundi (World Soul) connect us to our universal soul. During the day our source of light comes from the Sun, in the center of our solar system. Our Soul Light comes from within us, anchored by a mythical tree connecting us to the cosmos. As humans studied the night sky, they observed a stationary star in the Northern Hemisphere that other stars rotated around. This star became known as the North Star or Pole Star. 

Trees were natures original compasses that inspired humans to explore and record the movements of the sun, moon and stars. 

Polaris, our current Pole Star, will come closest to the center of our actual North Pole in 2100. Polaris will then slowly begin to move away as another Pole Star will take its place. Pole Stars change over a period of 25,800 years (also known as a Platonic Year). This is caused by the earth’s rotational wobble known as the precession of the equinoxes. The constellation Draco (dragon) contained Thuban, the previous pole star. Draco inspired many mythological stories of dragons and feathered serpents that continue to shine a light into our shared history.

Ring of North Stars and their Constellations

(These dates are when each star reaches its peak position)

Past North Stars 

  • Vega – 12,000 BCE – Constellation Lyra (Lyre)
  • Thuban – 3000 BCE – Constellation Draco (Dragon)

Present North Star

  • Polaris – 2100 CE – Constellation Ursa Minor (Bear)

Future North Stars

  • Errai – 4000 CE – Constellation Cepheus (King)
  • Alderamin – 7500 CE – Constellation Cepheus (King)
  • Denab – 10,000 CE – Constellation Cygnus (Swan)
  • Vega – 14,000 CE – Constellation Lyra (Lyre)

Message: We are beings of light that is interconnected with everything around us. Radiate our light to illuminate our life and our world. The source of our light comes from our soul. Its fuel is love. It is time to love the light within us and believe in our highest potential.

“You have no need to travel anywhere. Journey within yourself and bathe in the splendor of your own light.” – Rumi 

If you liked what you read and want more... you may be interested in having the actual guidebook and card deck. The 134 page full-color book is sold separately from the cards. My goal is to find a publisher who can offer this as a set. In the meantime, you can purchase either the book or cards via these links. Thank you for your support. Laural

Mandala Chakra book available at: Amazon

Mandala Chakra card deck available at: Printers Studio

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