Seed of Life

10_Seed of Life - Solar Plexus

The seed of life shines within our Solar Plexus Chakra as a source of our vitality, courage and joy. This matrix is created by adding a ring of six circles around the central “one”, which in essence birthed the six circles through the Portal of Life. The Sun, Sol in Latin, is the center point in our solar system.

Five billion years ago, in the Milky Way galaxy, a newly formed star began to grow hotter and stronger until it fused nearby stardust and gas into planets and rocks. Held within its orbit, this star became our Sun. It is the “one” and only star in our solar system that planted the seeds. The Sun’s electromagnetic core is a consistent source of heat and light that makes all life within its reach possible.

Ancient astronomers began to identify seven “wanderers”, as divine “ones” who watched over Earth. Also known as the “classical planets”, they were the: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn. These seven divine “ones” planted the seeds that inspired multiple creation stories.

In sacred geometry, the seed of life matrix, also known as the Genesis Pattern, mirrors the six days of creation and the seventh day of rest.

In 321 CE, under the guidance of Emperor Constantine, the Romans decreed that a Roman week would also consist of seven days. Dies Solis, day of the Sun, became Sunday. Sol Invictus “the invincible sun” ruled over the military. Sunday was declared a day of rest so soldiers could regain their strength. The Sun became the central “one”.

Our solar plexus represents our internal source of strength, energy and willpower. This is where our dreams and desires are fed and where we decide when and how to take action. These seeds of light in our solar plexus also cast shadows to remind us that our greatest gifts are hiding within our fears. By shining light on our shadows, we can retrieve our wisdom, that was born by fire. By making peace within our self, we can more fully stand in our own light and our darkness.

Message: Power provides the ability to create, destroy and to nurture. To be at peace with the concept of power is to know when to create, when to destroy when to nurture and when to rest. We alone have the ability to choose. Be open to this power that is growing within us. Learn how to use this power wisely as we plant seeds for the future.

“Love is born in fire, is planted like a seed.  Love cannot give you everything, but it gives you what you need.” – Kate Wolfe 

If you liked what you read and want more... you may be interested in having the actual guidebook and card deck. The 134 page full-color book is sold separately from the cards. My goal is to find a publisher who can offer this as a set. In the meantime, you can purchase either the book or cards via these links. Thank you for your support. Laural

Mandala Chakra book available at: Amazon

Mandala Chakra card deck available at: Printers Studio

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