Mandala Chakra

Mandala – Sacred Circle (Sanskrit) – A meditative artform.
Chakra – Sacred Wheel (Sanskrit) – The energetic anatomy.

Mandala Chakra – Awaken the One Within 

The 134 page full-color book is sold separately from the deck of cards. My goal is to find a publisher who can offer this as a set. In the meantime, you can purchase either the book or cards via these links. Thank you for you support. Laural

Mandala Chakra book available at: Amazon

Mandala Chakra card deck available at: Printers Studio

For more information visit:

Mandala Chakra is a conscious process of self-discovery and wholeness based on the seven chakras of our energetic and physical body. By seeing ourselves and our world from seven different perceptual states we can begin to see how we are interconnected with everything.

Forty-nine, hand-drawn mandalas with brief explanations and messages help to explain complex concepts such as nature’s archetypes, sacred geometry, platonic solids, world belief, consciousness and infinite oneness. The words mandala and chakra are Sanskrit words (ancient language of India) related to sacred circles or wheels. A circle represents both the infinite world it contains and the beginning point of everything. The circular paths of stars inspired the creation of astronomy, math, science and time itself in all cultures throughout the world.  It also informed our beliefs.

The concept of a chakra, originated when yogis sensed invisible wheels of energy within them during deep meditation. They toned vocal sounds or mantras to improve their flow of life force energy (prana) through channels (nadis) within their energetic and physical body.  As they chanted, they sensed how different mantras helped them reach various levels of consciousness. These mantras evolved into visual yantras or circular geometric drawings used for meditation. This practice gave way to the creation of mandalas as a tool for meditation.

During the mid 20th Century, Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung (1875-1961) pioneered the field of behavioral psychology. He studied concepts such as individuation, the conscious and unconscious self, the collective unconscious, as well as the concept and identification of psychological archetypes.

Jung felt that the human psyche was, “by nature religious,” and what set man apart from other species was their search for meaning in both life and death. He theorized that the human psyche individuated or separated the self from its soul in search of its unique purpose in life.  Yet during this quest for purpose the psyche ultimately longed to reunite with the soul to feel whole. He felt that trauma enhanced this sense of separation. It could also prevent the psyche from rejoining the soul to feel complete.

When Jung began experiencing circular images in his dreams he was compelled to draw them as he sensed they were showing him how to heal his own trauma. Jung was curious about where these mysterious circles originated and how they were able to tap into his unconscious mind. When he discovered that he was subconsciously connecting with the mandalas of India he was inspired to see how psychological archetypes could be held in the collective unconscious.

The word archetype, “original pattern from which copies are made,” actually dates back to Plato. Plato, a Greek philosopher (424–347BC), identified archetypes as ideas in pure mental form that were imprinted into the soul before it was born. They are shared fundamental characteristics or experiences felt among all humans.

Carl Jung, identified mandalas as the archetype of wholeness and trees as the archetype of the human psyche.

Judith Cornell PhD (Rajita Sivananda), (1941-2010) pioneered new methods of working with mandalas as a healing art form. She felt they were accessible to everyone as a way to awaken the inner wisdom of our true nature. Dr. Cornell taught non-judgment, non-attachment and unconditional love.

In 2007, Laural attended a silent retreat, facilitated by Dr. Cornell inspired by the world’s primary religions: Indigenous, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In deep meditation, the illusion of separation dissolved to one of longing to be loved.

Our energy body is a multi-dimensional sensory field that is interconnected within our physical body. Together we contain an infinite amount of memory, but currently access only a fraction of it. By becoming aware and embracing our shared history we open ourselves to receiving these insights.

Mandala Chakra is designed to help us remember all that we are. Forty-nine mandalas were drawn to capture the archetypal wisdom of the chakras from seven different perceptual states to awaken the one within all.

Seven Chakras                                  

  1. Root – Base of Spine
  2. Sacral – Abdomen
  3. Solar Plexus – Stomach
  4. Heart – Heart
  5. Throat – Throat
  6. Third Eye – Forehead
  7. Crown – Top of Head

 Seven Perceptual States

  1. Chakras
  2. Natures Archetypes
  3. Sacred Geometry
  4. Platonic Solids
  5. Sacred Belief
  6. Jungian Consciousness
  7. Oneness


“What a beautiful map you have drawn for the connection of all and human consciousness. Mind blowing!” – Rebecca Lorang


Laural Virtues Wauters is a certified mandala facilitator trained through Rajita Sivananda (Judith Cornell Ph.D.) She is a graduate of the Four Winds – Healing the Light Body School of Energy Medicine. She is a misa carrier working with Adolfo Ttito Condori – an Andean Altomisayok. Laural has earned a BSW in Social Work and a BA in Graphic Communications. 

Laural has also written the following books:

The Guardian Tree – The True Story of Carmen Sylvia, is my autobiography that I have been working on since I was reunited with my birth mother in 1994.

Mandala Chakra – Awaken the One Within, was inspired by the seven chakras and how we hold mythic maps within us that guide us on our journey of awakening and becoming whole.

Tree Spirit Tarot – Return to the Garden of our Soultells the archetypal stories of 78 trees as they relate to the Tarot. Trees are wisdom keepers who hold space on our journey to oneness.

To learn more visit:

Everlasting Forest – A Worldly Adventure, transports readers around the globe as they meet the legendary Forest Friends and learn their stories. These tales will invite children and elders alike to gather together and share in the wonder of the natural world and the thrill of adventure!

To learn more visit:

It is my dream to inspire and empower others to remember their true nature and how we are all related to each other. I believe trees hold our stories so we can remember our roots and find our way home.

Namaste (respect) and Munay (love) to all.  Laural 


“The Tree of Life lives within each of us, helping us awaken to our true nature. Let us reach out with branches of compassion, connect with each other through our shared roots, and hold space for all to grow and feel loved.” – Laural Virtues Wauters

Mandala Chakra – All rights reserved and belong to Laural Virtues Wauters. Sharing of any artwork/mandalas via the internet and the insights that accompany them need to be credited to the artist/author with a link to this site. If you are interested in doing this please contact Laural at:

The author of this site does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a personal nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Copyright © 2012 Seven Earthly Virtues, LLC

3 thoughts on “Mandala Chakra

  1. Hello,
    I like your site very much!
    I am conducting a chakra mandala workshop in a southern town that is also a college town here in Gainesville, Florida. Have established myself as a mandala facilitator for the last three years. I trained with Susanne Fincher.
    Only four people have registered for this workshop for June 1st.. This is unusual.. I was wondering if he word chakra may have something to do with it. I even posted something you wrote and an image to enlighten them more. I did give you credit. What are your thoughts?
    Thank you. All the best!
    Evelyn Gretchen at Mandalas For All

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Evelyn, the word Chakra can be a new word for many people, which may be a reason for fewer people. I did look at your facebook page and love the work you are doing. Based on first impressions, your focus seems geared toward the creation of mandalas as a way to enjoy art and enrich ones life. The word chakra may feel more spiritual versus creative, which is not always the path for everyone. So your audience may see this as too “heavy” of a topic. I have experienced obstacles placed on me by the Catholic Church back in Wisconsin where I taught the majority of my classes. The church saw that mandalas and chakras were in opposition to their belief. This caused a lot of controversy in our small community for the nuns I was working with who loved it! But ultimately, I had to stop offering it to them. So that may play a part in your experience as well. All we can do is to continue educating and holding that space for oneness. I have had amazing classes with just four people…. good luck in your endeavors. Laural


      • Thank you Laural, I appreciate your prompt reply. I am taking this experience into account for future workshops. However, I failed to mention that after three years of offering them for free or with a donation, this is the first time they pay when they register, even though it’s just $8, it’s slow. So maybe that may be a factor. Thanks again! Best wishes to you on your wonderful work!


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